Our Top Blogs of 2017


The goal of the Zimmer Radio & Marketing Group blog has always been to help empower businesses to be influential brands who leave noticeable footprints on their communities. We are delighted to offer this free resource to hard-working business owners and marketers, like you! We sincerely hope that we have been able to provide you with some valuable insight this year!

We want to recap 2017 by identifying the top eleven blogs that have attracted the most attention this year. If you have yet to read one (or more) of these, here is your chance! Just click on any of the blog titles below. Don’t miss out on the helpful tips and tricks they could provide. 

1. 5 More Marketing Tactics Your Station Can Provide, Besides Radio

Since many small and medium-sized businesses are exploring radio station marketing opportunities outside of traditional on-air ads, we wrote this blog to identify five additional marketing services that we provide.

2. 10 Goals of an Awareness Campaign

Awareness campaigns are developed with the intention of reaching wide audiences in order to make brands memorable and spread messages that do not necessarily encourage one, specific action. In this post, we focused on the ten goals best accomplished by utilizing an awareness campaign strategy.

3. 15 Marketing Benefits to an Event Booth Sponsorship

Because corporate event sponsorship opportunities have recently become an extremely popular form of marketing (especially for small and medium-size businesses), we wanted to write this blog to identify 15 guaranteed benefits that come from adopting this marketing strategy. 

4. How Today’s Millennials REALLY View Social Media 

Millennial behavior is currently the greatest driving force behind the latest social trends and topics. So, in order for businesses to remain relevant and effectively make an impact on social media, they must determine to understand how today’s Millennials are thinking in regards to this powerful marketing medium. In this blog, we revealed five Millennial viewpoints concerning social media that should directly affect business marketing tactics.

5. Confessions of a Millennial: Digital Radio Backfired On Me

Turns out, instant gratification isn’t all it’s cracked up to be! This blog followed the events of one Millennial’s daily life to prove why traditional radio is still relevant (and necessary!) to this generation.

6. 10 More Radio Endorsement Dos and Don’ts

A recommendation by a radio personality is one of the best ways to leverage word-of-mouth advertising and boost sales. Because of this, we put together a list of ten (more) endorsement dos and don’ts that businesses should consider when selecting a radio personality for their influencer strategy. 

7. The Top Ten 2018 Marketing Trends To Look Out For

2018 is knocking at the door! We believe that one of the smartest ways that businesses can prepare for the coming year is by staying alert to upcoming trends. That’s why we made a list, predicting 2018’s top ten marketing trends, in hopes that businesses would implement them, or simply improve their current strategies.

8. 3 Types of Digital Advertising That Pair Well With Radio 

When you consider the fact that radio is a powerful medium, while digital is an increasingly necessary point of contact, it quickly becomes clear that these are top choices for the channels that businesses should be using. This blog provided our readers with a snapshot of three different ways that radio and digital prove to be each other’s perfect compliment. 

9. 20 Stats That Will Remind You of the Importance of Your Branding 

No matter the industry or the size of the business, the importance of solid branding is applicable across the board. Just in case there was ever any doubt, we listed out 20 statistics to prove it.

10. Social Media Marketing 101: How To Authentically Engage Your Audience 

With the impressive number of people incessantly scrolling through social media in today’s world, how can businesses create “thumb-stopping” content that rises above the noise and stands out on cluttered newsfeeds? In this blog, we offered ten tips for creating authentic social posts that are sure to engage audiences and create connections. 

11. 6 Ways to Use Magazine and Radio Ads Together to Get More Bang for Your Marketing Buck

2017 was an exciting time for our business! We started off the year by purchasing three reputable, local publications: Inside Columbia Magazine, Prime Magazine, and CEO Magazine. This provides our clients with even more avenues for showcasing their businesses! In this blog post, we described the benefits that come from integrating these powerful marketing mediums.

Did any of these blogs provide you with helpful information that you were able to put into practice this year? If so, we would love to hear about it! Contact us today and share your success stories with us! And of course, be on the lookout for more blogs like these coming in 2018!


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