Changing seasons bring winds of new inspiration. And the chill of fall can lead to a warm and cozy feeling that welcomes all the comforts and joys that the season offers. But it can also be a stark reminder for many that summer is over, and they may have not completed (or let's be honest, even started!) on some of the summer home improvement projects they had set out to accomplish over the warmer months.
Life is busy, we all can understand that, and fall can be a great time to complete all those summer projects that many of us were not able to complete during the summertime. And for those who work in the home improvement industry, the fall can be an overlooked time to take advantage of a good amount of potential business from local homeowners.
So, because of this, we’ve provided some tips on the “Who, What, Why, When, and How” of getting homeowners interested in your product or service at a critical time to businesses who offer products or services related to housing upgrades, renovations, landscaping, and home improvement.
There is no hiding the fact the housing market is hot right now. When consumers go through a massive lifestyle change, like buying a new house, they might splurge by shopping for new appliances, fixtures, and upgrades. Likewise, when the seasons change and the weather is slightly less hot, homeowners might take on new projects, both indoor and outdoor, to improve the quality of their homes and freshen up their investments.
According to info USA, new homeowners spend an average of $10,000-$12,000 in the first year of living in their new home. Advertising to homeowners when they have just moved creates a tremendous opportunity to capture new customers who can then continue to utilize your business and refer your services.
Fall offers the perfect weather for homeowners to re-stain their decks, fix the cracks in the driveway, schedule pest inspections, clean gutters, schedule roof repairs, take care of the exterior and interior painting, improve interior insulation, and much more. Is there a product or service that you offer to assist with any of these needs?
Consistency and frequency are key factors to successful advertising, so if your business offers products or services that relate to home improvements and ownership, don’t miss out on this time to place your ads and get them rolling.
Remember that this is when homeowners are protecting their homes for winter, cleaning out gutters, or simply revamping the exterior, as well as the interior, look of their home. And with the upcoming cold, winter season, a sense of urgency is instilled in customers to take care of their project sooner, rather than later.
When planning your fall advertising campaigns, consider inventory, budget, and target audience. Review current audiences and what they are buying. Do you have a general idea of what they need/want and how they like to be communicated to? Then you can choose your advertising methods based on what you know about your current customers, what they need/want, and how they want to be communicated with.
Luckily, homeowners are part of a large group ranging from new, young families who are just starting out, to empty-nesters looking to spruce up their place. According to Sales Fuel, homeowners of all ages and genders are consistently looking to upgrade their bathrooms and kitchen, while the top outdoor project is improving decks and patio.
And a lot of people listen to the radio. In fact, a Nielsen survey found that despite so much focus on digital streaming services and streaming music, radio actually has the most reach among American media consumers and 93% of adults listen to the radio each week. Since consumers trust the opinions of their favorite on-air radio hosts, partnering with local personalities and influencers, and having them recommend your business could be extremely beneficial to your messaging and advertising plan. Multi-channel marketing can also get your business out in front of a wide range of potential customers across many channels.
So, with a fall breeze in the air, now is the perfect time to get your business's advertising going in order to maximize potential business with thousands of local consumers! Radio advertising is a fantastic way to do this and may be the best opportunity available to your business this season. Our team of radio professionals would be happy to get a conversation started to perfect your message, get your business in front of the right audience, all with the best quality media. Contact us today or download the guide below to learn more!