Let me ask you this: If someone came to you tomorrow and said, “Here are 47 people who are in the market for your service RIGHT NOW. Oh, and here is all of their contact information,” what would your reaction be?
If the thought of this influx of hot leads excites you, keep reading.
Digital promotions are the best friend of a smart business owner.
Here are 5 reasons why:
1) Digital promotions provide a company with a unique proposition: You offer the chance to win a prize in exchange for some information about those who enter.
What kind of information? Glad you asked: Therein lies the beauty of it all – YOU get to decide! This is the type of opportunity that your business really just can’t afford to pass up. Let’s say your company has been wondering what they can do to draw in more customers. Through your carefully worded survey questions that hopeful prize winners are required to answer, you may discover one or two key factors that are causing people to feel hesitant toward your business, or even your industry as a whole. You might even realize that the public seems to be uninformed about your products or services altogether. This realization can help your business band together and direct their efforts to improving or promoting a certain aspect of the company.
The right survey questions will also give you a direct path to hot leads. These are people who are currently in the market for your product or service, and a digital promotion makes them just a phone call or an email away.
2) Digital promotions allow your business to be associated with a fun and exciting offer.
Maybe it’s a pack of concert tickets, a relaxing massage package, straight cash, or even a trip to Disney World. All of these have the potential to stir people to action. It doesn’t matter that your business may have nothing to do with the prize being offered. What matters is that your prize is enticing enough to cause people to stop what they’re doing and enter for their chance to win it.
3) Digital promotions generate traffic to your business and make tracking ROI a breeze.
This is primarily done through the use of a bounce back offer. Since there is only one winner at the end of a promotion, the bounce back offer is an incentive that your business can extend to each entrant in order to show everyone some appreciation for participating. When deciding on a bounce back offer, ask yourself: Is there a specific service that our business has been trying to find a way to push? Or, what about a product that our company wants to promote in order to hit a goal? Whatever it is, the use of a quality bounce back offer will enable you to strategically generate more traffic to your business, while also helping you directly track your ROI from the promotion. You can now enjoy sitting back and watching the promotion prove its worth.
4) Digital promotions are sharable and can help you increase your email database and the number of followers on your various social platforms.
Wanting to boost your Facebook or Twitter presence? How about that email list that hasn’t seen much growth in the past few months? Because of the unique “share-ability” of digital promotions, they can really pick up and take off on social media. If people see that their friend entered and they are equally as attracted to the prize being offered, they will do just as their friend before them and enter themselves. Much of the time, this leads to a snowball effect and pretty soon your digital promotion is sought after by hundreds, even thousands, in your area. Your email database will inevitably see growth as well, as each participant enters his or her information and grants you permission to contact them.
5) Digital Promotions + Radio = The Dream Team
Not only do digital promotions get publicity online, they are consistently receiving shout-outs on the radio as well. On air personalities are great at peaking their listener base’s interest in a promotion. These radio mentions create a sense of urgency, enticing listeners to go online and participate soon. Radio really helps drive a promotion to become a huge success. Talk about a marketing match made in heaven.
The world of digital promotions is full of possibility. Their user-friendly nature makes them an incredible opportunity for your business. Don’t miss out on the numerous benefits they can bring to your company!
Check back for the rest of this series, in which we’ll point out specific and helpful tips to achieving digital success!