Comprehensive Recruitment Strategies That Work [eBook]


Current trends for effective recruitment strategies are The pandemic only expedited an evolution in how employers find quality employees. To say it's harder than it has ever been is an understatement. You only have to drive down the street and count the number of "Now Hiring" signs to know that competition for employees is fierce. Businesses are having to find ways to embrace new ways of recruiting to fill open positions.

Trying to recruit for our own open positions, we understand the pain. You'll also agree that marketing has evolved in the last 5-10 years, and continues to change in response to a digital world. Recruitment strategies are being forced to evolve also. If you're not changing HOW you recruit, you're going to continue to struggle. Not only do the candidates you are looking for have changing priorities and different expectations, but they are also harder to reach. Connecting with them is a challenge, though it honestly shouldn't be.


For businesses who have evolved their marketing over the years to embrace new technologies: digital marketing, social media, video marketing, and enhanced website capabilities...connecting with the right candidates for their open positions is less of a struggle than it is for businesses who are still relying on old-school methods of recruitment like newspaper classifieds or word-of-mouth. 

We believe that, in every problem,  there lies an opportunity. The opportunity is for business owners and marketing departments to perhaps do a few things differently: 

  • Perhaps it's a challenge to step boldly into new landscapes not previously tapped for recruitment.  After all, your future employees are comfortable there. If you want to connect with them, you'll have to go there as well.
  • It's also a challenge for upping your recruiting game - a challenge for all of us to never become complacent - especially when competition for quality employees is fierce. 

To help, we've written an eBook that discusses the specific challenge of recruiting new employees and how to best use out-of-the-box tactics. We share these ideas, not because they are new, but because they are currently working for other businesses. The companies that abandon outdated strategies and aggressively go after things like radio recruitment, digital marketing, social media marketing are finding success.  

To download your free copy, simply click here or on the image below. 

If at any time, you have questions or want to talk about your business' recruitment efforts specifically, call us for a free consultation. No strings attached. We are here to make your business grow. 

a free ebook on recruitment strategies and marketing for open positions


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