Hiring is Like Dating: It’s About Making the Right Match


As the Law of Attraction states, positive or negative thoughts bring on positive or negative experiences. It’s so important to portray your business in a positive light so that potential employees can see that they can have a positive experience while working at your business. Treat your marketing tactics for recruitment like a dating profile. Both recruitment and dating apps have the same goal; attracting others. No longer do you need to worry about whether or not your “photos” are taken from the right angle, show off your best assets, or show that you are fine as wine while still having a goofy side.

There are plenty of other fish in the sea, but potential recruits are not wanting to hook a catfish.

By under no means and under no circumstances should you be fabricating what your company has to offer to potential employees. All they want you to be is real with them. You should highlight benefits that your company actually offers and choose ones that differentiate you from other businesses in your industry who are also on the prowl for new employees. Just like how every person on a dating app is unique, every company is unique in its very own way. You need to make sure that you are highlighting your unique selling points as a business to potential employees.

It’s also not just all about what your company looks like, but it is also what you say. You wouldn’t like it if someone’s dating profile bio said that they loved to have a date night at the movie theater every week, loved pets, and enjoyed the outdoors, when in reality they hated all of those things. That is rotten bait that potential recruits are not looking for. To get quality candidates, and not those who are desperate and may also be catfishing you, you need to provide clear and specific information about the job that is being offered. Be careful when writing about the job duties and recruit expectations so that you are not too vague or asking too much. Similar to saying that you want someone who smiles, a phrase stating that you want someone with a spirit for selling is too vague. On the other hand, listing off the exact things that you want in a partner is similar to having a long list requesting people to do so much work, and could scare them off. You need to provide a job description that will allow potential employees to envision them flowing with the current. They aren’t looking for an upstream battle.

Be the hottest hit. Recruitment-advertising-resource-guide

The hotter your business is the more frequently potential employees will hear about you. By placing recruitment advertisements on the radio with a higher frequency and for longer periods of time, you’ll be the first business to come to mind when job seekers think about the job of their dreams. One text every so often from someone that you like makes them seem like they are flakey and not willing to commit. By having radio advertisements run multiple times, you can show potential employees that you are committed to finding “the one.”

Zimmer Communications will help you brainstorm a list of what you would want to include in recruitment advertisements and create one that will make people stop and stare or listen to you.

People like people.

A perfect way to get potential employees interested in your company is by showing the people that work there. The people who make up your company are each a piece to the puzzle of your company’s personality. A perfect way to showcase this and flaunt your company culture is through your social media.

On the Zimmer Communications Facebook page, we love to share with our followers’ photos and videos of celebrations that we have in the office and of the faces of Zimmer Communications; and let me tell you… those are some nice faces. A variety of video and photo content on your social media can help people form a representative picture in their mind of your company. Zimmer Communications celebrates employees’ successes on social media and includes Zimmer employees’ photos on Facebook and Instagram. If potential employees know the faces behind the company, they can build a sense of trust with it before even interacting with the company.

You should also incorporate your current employees into the hiring process for they may have recommendations and referrals that would hold a lot of weight. Your employees are the heart of the company and understand the company’s personality and voice better than anyone else. They would recommend someone that would match your company’s values and would help your business grow.

True Colors Training with Zimmer Communications

It really does go down in the DM’s.

No one likes when they start to have a conversation with a match, and the person doesn’t have the same perception of what a dating app should be. Just because a potential employee is interviewing with your company, doesn’t mean that they can’t back out at any time. You need to make sure that during the interview process that there is equal communication. You shouldn’t talk at the interviewee, but instead with them. Communicate what you are looking for in an employee and make sure to ask what they are looking for. The only way to establish a strong business to employee relationship is by having open and honest communication; just like in a dating relationship.

Zimmer Communications can be your matchmaker to help you find employees for your business that are a match made in heaven. Give us a call today for assistance on how to make it in the recruitment world.

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