In our day and age, it is easy to view the world from either a "pre-pandemic", or a "post-pandemic" lens. And in our post-pandemic society, we have seen a major change in the job market. At Zimmer, we have seen this change pose many struggles for the businesses we serve, with them seeing a loss in staff, as well as a struggle with recruiting qualified talent. That is why we created our most recent eBook, Recruitment Strategies That Work, providing business leaders with a free guide that includes creative and effective ways to attract, and ultimately hire quality candidates that will better the future of their business.
So, as we continue to live in the wake of “The Great Resignation”, we know it is important to know how to properly recruit. But say you are reading this and are looking for a new job or career change for yourself, or maybe you are looking for ways to coach your friends and mentees who are looking (or maybe SHOULD be!) for work...Look no further.
Our staff took some tough love and advice from one of our staff’s favorite books, “The Little Red Book of Selling” by Jeffrey Gitomer. The major theme of what we found? Simply put, to “Kick Your Own Ass!” Use this phrase as your motivational mantra and tool, sort of like the classic “carrot and the stick” analogy, only way more effective! Because listen...no one is going to go out and get that job for you. That's why we took the following points directly from this dynamic and cut-the-crap book and have also jotted down some notes that we hope will help you put the motivation you need into place as you embark on your job hunt. Share it with someone who needs to hear this!
1. Bad Day, or Bad Attitude? 
The day is not a bad one unless you name it bad. Don't let other people and circumstances determine your attitude during your job search. Yes, things can get discouraging. But don't let one bad day or rejection determine your entire attitude moving forward or lead you to give up.
2. Develop a YES! Attitude
If you think of yourself as a "yes" person, not only will you be in a positive frame of mind during the job hunt and interview processes, but you will also have positive expectations.
3. Celebrate Effort, not Victory
Let your work ethic be your highest achievement. Your dedication and work that goes into getting that job you are going after should be celebrated much more than getting the job itself.
4. You know what to do…now do it!
There is a big difference between knowing, and doing. You've probably heard a ton of advice throughout your life when it comes to applying for and interviewing for a job. Now is the time to not get too arrogant, and put that advice into practice! Instead of saying "I know that", rather ask yourself "How good am I at that".
5. Prioritize Your Time Management
Procrastination is our worst enemy. This and fear of rejection, poor self-image, and lack of preparation all lead us to convince ourselves that we don't have time for the things that are really important in making us successful during the job hunt, but in reality, we are just avoiding them.
6. Be Selfish. Do This for Yourself!

In this case, selfish wins. What we mean is, take the time to invest in yourself first. If you want to be the best "insert your job title here", you must first be the best version of YOU. This can be a difficult thing to come to terms with and takes years of consistent work of self-improvement and reflection, but it's worth it. The truth is that all your shortcomings in all of your endeavors stem from the fact that you're not being the best person you can be first. So if you want to win that job, and thrive in your new position for years to come, invest in yourself and do this for YOU!
When it comes to the job hunt, no one will do it for you but yourself! And very few people will truly inspire you to get out there and win that job or position. People care about themselves, just like you do! So, if you want to root for yourself and win, you have to kick your own ass by implementing the six steps outlined above. We know the job market is hot right now, and there are lots of opportunities out there to pursue! Our team at Zimmer Communications, for one, is hiring to grow our dynamic team of creative professionals and would love for you to apply if you see an open position that would be a good match. So, if you are searching for a job take this advice and be sure to subscribe to our blog for more helpful tips and information every week. Now go out there and get that job!

And if you are on the opposite side of the spectrum and are searching for modern and effective tactics to achieve your business's recruitment goals, be sure to download our FREE eBook guide as well. In this guide, we’ll discuss the power of radio with digital tactics that include social media, digital ads, and even your own website to more effectively find and recruit quality employees.