Imagine this...
You’re stepping foot into a gym for the very first time; You take a look around at your sweaty surroundings. The cardio area seems to be filled with track stars training for a future 5K. The weights section is littered with chiseled body builders who appear to be able to lift the equivalent of a small one-bedroom home. You’re suddenly questioning whether or not you were even born with the same sets of muscles you’re observing. The overwhelming feeling of “I don’t belong here” begins to set in.
Have you ever felt like you were in this position?
In that moment of uncertainty, it’s crucial to remember that those track stars and body builders once felt just as overwhelmed and unequipped. They could have allowed those initial feelings to cause them to quit, but instead, they made the conscious decision to stick with their work out until they saw the results they desired.
But those results took commitment and patience. They didn’t say to themselves, “I’ll just try this out for a month and see what happens.” They had to put in the necessary work behind the scenes to make what they’re doing now look so effortless.
Results from your business’ radio advertising efforts and results from the gym are both achieved in similar ways. Let’s take a look at what’s necessary to add some mass to your advertising muscle:
1. Results Require Patience
It goes without saying that one stop (or just a few) in the gym will not help you obtain your desired results. Patience is imperative.
Likewise, successful advertising does not begin as a trial run.
It’s important to remember that listeners who are hearing your advertisements today may not necessarily be in the market for your product or service for months down the road. By repeatedly advertising why your business is the best choice, your company will stay at the top of the consumer’s mind. Then, whenever they do need your services, they immediately know exactly who to contact.
2. Results Require Time-Sensitive Goals
Blindly going to the gym without a tangible goal in mind will not yield the best possible results and in turn, can quickly cause burnout.
The same is true for your radio advertisements. You should be setting time-sensitive goals for your business that are easily trackable and capable of reporting your company’s ROI.
Once your advertisements bring you the new clientele you were looking for, does that mean you stop there? No, why would you want to? Continue to advertise since it has proven its worth, then develop new goals to attain.
Whether in the gym or in business, achieving one goal should always lead to setting another.
3. Results Require Repetition
Whether teaching yourself how to lift weights or how to successfully advertise, repetition is the key to learning anything.
Once your business determines an effective slogan, tagline, jingle, selling message, etc., stick with it. It’s critical to practice consistency in your advertising. Consumers begin to expect to hear certain things from your company. Don’t fade to the back of their minds by being inconsistent in your message. This will simply negate any progress that your business has made in the advertising process.
Always keep the Golden Rule of advertising at the forefront of your business’ mind: “The right message + The right number of times = Results.”
If your business’ advertising muscles feel weak now, it’s important to remember that your soon-to-be success story is completely in your own hands. Cultivate patience. Develop time-sensitive goals. Repeat. The best advertising results come to those who are most committed to sticking it out and seeing their efforts come to fruition. Once your business repeatedly accomplishes its marketing goals, you’ll know it was all worth the weight.