You’ve heard the stories from fellow business owners. Horror stories about relationships with marketing reps that didn’t go well. Rest assured that account executives have similar stories - water cooler conversations about nightmare business owners. No one wants a bad experience to taint such an important relationship. The reality is the right marketing relationship between a media company and you can be one of the most valuable alliances you can make in helping you grow your business. Don’t leave it to chance. There are specific steps you can take from the very beginning to ensure a long-lasting and mutually beneficial partnership.
There are tons of blogs that talk about how to do marketing, how to buy marketing, and how to advertise successfully. But no one that we’ve found explores the relationship between a business owner and a marketing partner with strategies on how to set that relationship up correctly. Just like you depend on your accountant and lawyer to be versed in their profession and make recommendations in your best interest, you depend on your media partner to bring strategies to the table that will grow your business.
Investing in a relationship with your marketing partner is investing in the future of your business.
It’s all about trust. Interview marketing companies in your market area. Get to know them. Tour their facilities and ask questions. You’re looking for a company committed to the local community. You’re listening for professionalism. Ask about their process. Find out how they work with local businesses. Try and meet the team that may be working on your campaign.
Remember, you’re setting up a marketing partnership, not just a vendor/supplier transaction. You want someone who is willing to understand your business and will be a resource in ideas, campaigns, and promotions designed to fuel your business’ growth.
Know that a healthy marketing partnership hinges on expectations. It’s no secret that too often, expectations don’t align. When that happens, it’s a recipe for disaster. The tips we share in our First-Time Radio Advertiser’s Guide to Success will get you both on the same page and operating with clarity about what you can expect from them, and what they should expect from you.
Not Just for Newbies
So whether you are brand new to radio advertising…or just simply a business owner who wants to do marketing the right way, this guide is for you. It isn’t just about radio, and it isn’t only for first-time advertisers. The foundational premises in this guide apply to any business owner using any marketing platform at any stage of their business growth. Make it a “must-read” and download it today. You’ll be glad you did.