3 Reasons Why Communication Will Solve Your Hiring Needs


With unemployment at an all-time low, recruiting new talent has become a challenge for many companies looking to grow their team or expand their business. Whether you are in an industry with high turnover or you are in need of senior-level talent, it can sometimes feel like there simply aren’t enough candidates for the new talent you need to recruit. This is why communication is more important than ever when it comes to the interview process: in a job seeker’s market, every interview counts. Check out our three reasons why communication will solve your hiring needs below:

1. Candidates Are More Than a Resume

Understanding a candidate’s work history is essential to gauge their fit for a new role, but some of the most important indicators of strong performance in a role can’t be found on a piece of paper. Resumes aren’t able to accurately convey traits like motivation, ambition, or attitude: this creates a blind spot where the right candidates may be slipping by, particularly in entry-level positions. While you should still watch for red flags on a resume such as grammatical errors or job-hopping in their work history, we encourage employers to give additional consideration to candidates who may meet the most important qualifications while lacking in some of the less essential qualifications. This is where phone interviews can be an asset to the interview process: phone screenings allow employers to get a better idea of a candidate’s personality and fit for the team without sacrificing the time and resources required to conduct an in-person interview.


2. New Roles, Same Candidates

While conducting interviews, you will likely encounter candidates who may be a great culture fit, but not necessarily have the skillset for the role. Rather than simply pass on these candidates, we recommend full transparency with an open offer to reach out in the future. As opposed to a rejection email, your hiring manager or recruiter can reach out and let them know that while the role for which they interviewed may not be the right fit, they would be happy to consider the candidate for future opportunities. This is also a great time to send an invitation to connect with the candidate through LinkedIn. Candidates often appreciate this honesty during the interview process and tend to be more receptive to future opportunities with a familiar company. This can also give you a head start as you begin building a pool of candidates for a new role, with the additional benefit of already knowing they may be a great culture fit.

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3. Company Reputation

When reflecting on a company’s brand and reputation, we often look at the audience experience from a client or customer perspective. However, your company’s reputation also involves how candidates and employees perceive your interview and hiring process. With websites like Glassdoor bringing attention to work environments and company culture, candidates can now screen their employers in the same way employers screen candidates. It is especially important to consider this in the current job seeker’s market: with more options available, eligible candidates have the freedom to be more selective. The best practice while ensuring your interview process reinforces a positive company reputation that focuses on communication. Whether you are moving forward with a candidate or sending out a rejection, be fully transparent on the timeline and keep your candidates updated to avoid ambiguity. This will build trust with your candidates early, giving you an advantage over other employers.

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