Free Webinar: The Top 3 Ways You Might Be Screwing Up Your Advertising

Working at Zimmer Radio & Marketing Group, we’ve come across a wide array of advertisers. From the seasoned small business owner, to the bright-eyed entrepreneur, and everything in between. Let’s just say we have a lot of experience working with advertisers. And with that, we’ve seen a handful of common mistakes made that prevent people from getting the results they’re looking for.

In an effort to mitigate these pitfalls, we recently published a series of blog posts covering the 12 causes of advertising failure, or, for better lack of words, the 12 ways to screw up your advertising campaign. If you haven’t done so already, you can visit our blog and check out all 12 of them for yourself. While some of these may be a refresher, even the most successful and veteran business owners have found this series to be insightful, educational, and inspiring.

Join us February 16th at 11am CST for a free webinar where Carrie and Stacey, two Zimmer Radio experts, are going to zone in on three of those advertising failures that we think are the most detrimental to your advertising campaign, as well as offer solutions to prevent them! Fortunately for you, since these are very common mistakes, we have both the knowledge and the tools to help you avoid making them.

The Top Three Ways You Might be Screwing Up Your Advertising Are:

1. Confusing Response with Results

2. Attempting to Reach More People Than Your Budget Will Allow

3. Assuming the Business Owner Knows Best

Make sure you don’t fall victim to these common advertising mistakes, and learn the best ways to prevent them (and why!) Sign up today for our live webinar. And don't worry... if you can't make it, sign up anyway and we'll send you a recording afterwards! 

Free Webinar: The Top 3 Ways You Might Be Screwing Up Your Advertising

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