5 Brands That Are Killing It on Social Media


Sure, you’ve heard us preach time and time again about the importance of quality social media marketing. It’s imperative for today’s businesses; You get it! But what if we took things a step further to help you better understand what quality social media posts actually look like?

Let’s take a quick field trip and visit the profiles of some of today’s biggest brands who seem to have this whole social media thing figured out.

1. Wendy’s

Don’t let that sweet smile and those innocent-looking pigtails fool you. Wendy’s is somewhat savagely showing the social media world (Twitter, especially!) who’s boss.

First and foremost, the Wendy’s marketing team understands that social media is designed for fun and that it’s simply not the place to take yourself too seriously. This is extremely apparent on Twitter, where much to their fast food competitors chagrin, they consistently take playful stabs at other food chains’ menu items and tactics. While we can’t fully recommend this blatant level of “name-calling,” we also can’t deny the amount of enjoyment we get from scrolling through their timeline. Wendy’s has truly mastered the art of entertaining their social media audience.

Wendys-McDonalds-Roast.jpgSource: https://twitter.com/Wendys

To see more of the creative ways in which Wendy’s utilizes Twitter, click here.  

And we can’t talk about Wendy’s without bringing this up: Who could forget the great chicken nugget retweet of 2017? Not only did this viral tweet create an unreal marketing campaign for Wendy’s, but the brand was also able to use it as a platform to donate money to charity. Unprecedented publicity, humor, and a charitable donation? Now that’s social media marketing at its finest! Read more details about that story here.

Wendys-Nuggs-Retweets.jpgSource: https://twitter.com/Wendys

2. Squatty Potty

It’s safe to say that this brand’s social media marketing is anything but crap (and no, it’s not a coincidence that this product is #2 on our list).

As you’re likely aware, in the past few years, videos have completely taken the social media world by storm. Therefore, today’s businesses must jump on the video bandwagon if they want to stand out and remain relevant. But with so many videos floating around out there, marketing teams must get crafty in order to create ones that will catch people’s attention and cause them to act.

The below video from Squatty Potty does just that. This company’s marketing team was able to incorporate eye-catching images with humor, all while creatively educating their audience about the most efficient way to do their “business.” Their company was also diligent in heavily promoting this video on Facebook so that it was showing up in newsfeeds across the country.



The rest of this brand’s posts prove that they have a firm grasp of their overall purpose when it comes to social media. It’s apparent that they are not posting with a “sell, sell, sell” mindset; rather, they seek to connect and entertain, all while subtly educating their followers.

For further inspiration, you can see more of their Facebook posts here.  

3. Nike 

Nike may be known for shoes, apparel, and sports equipment, but on social media, they are known for something much deeper. This brand has mastered the art of connecting to their audience by focusing on inspirational stories that are designed to uplift their followers. Take the below post for example. This is a touching topic that seeks to unite all of us.  


Nike also leverages videos to bring inspiration and promote audience connection. The below video aims to connect the general population to Nike’s most famous brand representatives. This kind of uplifting content goes beyond surface-level emotions and truly touches audiences.


 Where Wendy’s and Squatty Potty go for the funny bone, Nike goes for the heart. These two approaches may have extreme differences, yet each of these tactics has proven to be successful. That’s because the overarching goal is the same: To strike a chord with audiences that goes deeper than a simple persuasion to purchase a product. When this level of connection is prioritized, the desire to purchase will inevitably follow.

When it comes to your business connecting and relating to your customers, just do it! To see more of Nike’s inspirational and connection-driven social media posts, click here.

4. Amazon 

It seems like a prime day to discuss this brand’s social media habits as well!

Today’s social media platforms allow businesses to target their content in order to reach the specific audience that will best fit their desired demographic. Amazon has truly mastered this practice. Their social media posts consist of inspirational stories that go deeper than a simple sale and they are quick to point out their charitable causes to remind consumers that they care about the important things in life. In this way, they strike a chord with the general public. They then proceed by targeting these types of posts to specifically segmented audiences.


Take a more detailed look at some of Amazon’s Facebook posts by clicking here.

Another way in which Amazon is dominating social media marketing is by providing prompt and personalized customer service right on their own profile. It’s important for consumers to know that they can reach businesses and receive answers in a place that is convenient for them.


5. Tasty

This brand is straight-up dominating social media with their extremely popular recipe videos. If you have ever watched a Buzzfeed Tasty video, then you know how addicting they can be. You’re drawn in by a three ingredient chocolate cake, then suddenly you look up from your phone to find that 30 minutes have passed and you have now watched 15 videos in a row. Whoops!

The beauty of Tasty’s videos is that they are short, sweet, straightforward, and predictable. In this way, Tasty has built a solid social media brand and they are consistent in sticking to it. This is an important practice for other businesses to adopt. Remember, your social posts are opportunities to brand your products and services just as much as your on-air radio advertisements are.  

There are a few other important lessons that we can take away from Tasty’s popular videos. First, they are eye-catching and therefore, highly successful at drawing in a captive audience. Their marketing team is also great at crafting creative captions that make their account seem more human. Lastly, they understand the importance of including text in their videos. According to research, 85% of today’s social media videos are watched without sound. That’s a lot! But this is no problem for a brand like Tasty who understands this telling statistic.


The popularity of Tasty’s social media content has quickly opened many doors for this fairly-new brand. Not only have they been able to feature other brands in their videos for profit, but they have also recently started creating their own products that they promote and sell directly from their social media accounts.


Gain some more inspiration by taking a look at Tasty’s Instagram profile here.

We hope that these five brands have inspired your business to step up your own social media game! Don’t forget: If you want some help in this process, you do not have to be alone! Find a list of the social media services that we offer by clicking here.

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