3 Questions To Ask Your Media Partner Before Signing a Contract


Selecting a media partner can be a daunting task. You’re handing over the “keys to the car” so to speak from a marketing perspective, and making the wrong choice can cost a lot of time and money.

The good news is, there are conversations you can have before signing anything to make sure that it’s a mutual fit and that the two parties are on the same page.

Below are three key questions to ask your media partner before signing a contract, and how to approach them about it.

1. Who will be managing my account and executing the work?

It’s important to know who will be managing your account and doing the actual work on your behalf. The ongoing relationship you have with your media partner is a crucial part of your success. And while there is the specific account executive or creative producer you’ll be working with directly, you want to make sure that your media partner has an entire “team” behind you. At Zimmer, for example, our team does it’s best to work with businesses throughout the process. Successful partnerships between clients and media partners are built on constant communication, collaboration, and feedback. The Zimmer team performs best when they’re given input from clients on a consistent basis.

2. What makes a great client so good to work with?

Before signing a media contract, it’s critical to know from the partner perspective what makes an ideal client for them. Ask them what you need to do to be a great client for them. More importantly, focus the dialogue on how you can help your partner in ways that you get the best results from the money you’re spending. At Zimmer, for example, each client meets with their team to discuss ROI results, pacing of campaigns, and new challenges/opportunities that have arisen. The Zimmer team also shares new research they run across that might apply to a client’s industry, either locally or nationally.

Your media partner should want clients that take the time to meet face to face and see value in making them a part of your team. Your partner should want to see your business succeed as badly as you do. Zimmer’s best clients aren’t afraid to share numbers, growth targets, and challenges with them. That’s because Zimmer, as a media partner, takes a consultative approach to helping clients achieve whatever they originally set out to do.

3. What do the first 30-90 days (and beyond) look like?

Before jumping into a relationship with a media partner, you want to flesh out exactly how things are going to play out at the beginning of a relationship. You may want to consider working with your potential partner to come up with a 30-60-90 plan that will cover that span of time, outlining what you both expect to achieve during each period. The important thing is to let the partner know the commitments that you’re willing to make as a client, and what you expect of them, to ensure long-term success of the relationship.

Signing a media contract is a big deal, and it’s not something you should take lightly. You’re committing to a relationship that could potentially make or break your business. So, make sure to ask about the team you’ll be working with, what they expect out of clients, and what’s going to happen shortly after the ink is dry. By doing so, you’ll be laying a solid foundation for future mutual success with your media partner.


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