25 Stats Every Business Leader Needs to Read

Stats Every Business Leader Needs to ReadThe current state of marketing looks nothing like it did 10 years ago. Methods that worked wonders in the mid 2000’s are now declining, and can actually be detrimental to your business’ success. What’s a marketer to do?

For today’s post, we’ve hand-picked some marketing stats relevant to radio, digital marketing, social media, email, and marketing strategy that we believe will benefit your business. Read on to discover what the world of marketing looks like today.


  1. An estimated 265 million Americans over the age of six listen to the radio every week. (News Generation)
  2. Audio listeners spend more than 12 hours each week tuning in to radio. (News Generation)
  3. Radio is estimated to reach 93% of the U.S. population, making it the best audio marketing platform. (EGTA)
  4. 67% of mobile users listen to the radio in their own homes, creating a huge market for radio in the mobile world. (EGTA)
  5. Radio has a 49% higher ROI than television. (Radio Ad Lab)

Digital Marketing

  1. Each month, Google logs more than 10.3 billion searches. 78% of U.S. searches are related to product and service research. (CMO Council)
  2. Personalized product recommendations, such as location based offers or navigational personalization based on purchase history (think of Amazon’s “customers who bought this item also bought” feature)  bring in 45% online customers. (Usabilla)
  3. Using Infographics is one of the most successful content marketing strategies out there, with 63% of marketers that use them reporting of their effectiveness. (Forbes)
  4. On average, people spend more time online than they do on TV, newspapers, magazines, and other media combines. (Webbiquity)
  5. The top four digital marketing channels that showed increases in spending were (Webbiquity)
    1. Email Marketing (61% reported)
    2. Social Media (49% reported)
    3. Mobile Marketing (40% reported)
    4. SEO/PPC (38% reported)

Social Media Marketing

  1. 90% of people between the ages of 18-29 use social media, whereas only 35% of those over 65 use social media. A third of millennials cite social media as their preferred method of business communication. (Business2Community)
  2. 70% of Americans have at least one profile on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other social media platforms. (Business2Community)
  3. For retaining customers, social media marketing is one of the most effective behind email. (Business2Community)
  4. As of July 2015, there are 3.17 billion internet users. 2.3 billion of them use social media. That’s about 31% of the world’s population. (Brand Watch).  
  5. Last year, social networks generated around $8.3 billion in ad revenue (Brand Watch).

Email Marketing

All stats provided courtesy of Campaign Monitor

  1. Email delivers the highest ROI for marketers.
  2. Transaction based emails (such as thank you or special offer emails sent to customers after a transaction) can generate up to six times more revenue and can have up to eight times more clicks than all other kinds of emails.
  3. About 53% of emails are opened on mobile devices.
  4. Personalized emails are six times more likely to deliver higher transaction rates.
  5. Email is forty times better for gaining new customers than Twitter or Facebook.

Marketing Strategy

  1. 89% of millennials trust a personal recommendation than anything from a brand. (WordStream)
  2. 84% of millennials believe that web content generated by users has some sway on what they buy. (WordStream)
  3. Millennials will trust experts 44% more and blogs or social networking sites 247% more than advertisements. (WordStream)
  4. Effective content marketers make more room in their budget for content marketing, 42% compared to the 28% than less-effective marketers allocate. (Forbes)
  5. Marketers who make blogging a priority are thirteen times more likely to attain a positive ROI than those who don’t. (Forbes).

The marketplace is constantly evolving to different changes and trends in our environment and it’s important, as a marketer or business owner, that you stay on top of these trends. If you’re looking for more information about the latest marketing trends and best practices, be sure to subscribe to our blog today!


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