Tips To Purchasing Your Business Website Domain


In today's competitive marketplace, it's not enough to just have an online presence. You need to do your due diligence when you purchase your website domain. Fortunately, by following a few simple guidelines, you can make sure your website is easily found, simple to remember and connects effortlessly to the rest of your marketing efforts. Use this checklist to make sure that you're starting your business website on the right foot!

Do Your Research

Before choosing your domain name, it's smart to check out the competition. You'll get a good idea of what's working for other businesses, especially legacy companies in your sector, and you might even get some inspiration. You can also make sure that yours is unique enough not to be confused with a competitor. Browse around and check out what's working and what isn't.

Check social media to see if your domain is available there. In order to create a lasting digital presence, you'll want consistency across all of your platforms, and connecting your social media business accounts to your website will be much easier if the domain you purchase is available there.

Once you have a domain name in mind, see if there were any negative past connections with it by using an Internet Archive to check out the website. Spot check for copied content and any strange backlinks. Sometimes companies will churn out and dump websites to run Black Hat SEO campaigns, and that taint could follow the domain to your new website. With a few simple checks, you can make sure your domain is free and clear!

Lastly, make sure your desired domain name isn't trademarked. You can do a quick search here. It takes seconds and will save you loads of long-term grief.

Make It Easy For Your Customers

Your chosen domain name is unique, free of any negative associations and trademark free! Now what? Think of your customers.

When you purchase your website domain, make sure it's easy to remember, say and type. Don't make it too long and avoid any unnecessary characters, like numbers or dashes. For example, is much better than Keep it simple, and your customers will appreciate it while easily finding you online!

Don't Stress About SEO

Yes, we said it. While SEO is the lifeblood of much of your website, blog posts and other strategy, you don't need to try to completely optimize your domain name. It's far more important that it be short and easy to remember. It's also critical that your domain name is evergreen. Make sure it's reflective of where your company is today, and where you're projected to be in the future. Avoid slang or highlighting any promotions that have definitive end dates. When you purchase your website domain, try to get a .com. Even if you need to go with your second choice, a .com is much more authoritative than the alternatives.

Take Control Of Your Domain

When you purchase your website domain, make sure it's from an accredited registrar to make sure everything is above board. You should also be certain that you are the owner of the domain. Don't make any assumptions, especially important if you're having a third party create your website.

For additional credibility, make sure you get an HTTPs certificate. HTTPs websites are secure, and customers will feel more comfortable visiting them. If you're selling products on your website, they must be HTTPs.  

When it comes time to purchase your website domain, make it easy by following this checklist. Do the proper research, keep it sweet and simple, and remember to go with an accredited registrar you can trust. You’ll be well on your way to cementing a successful digital presence!

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