The pandemic that shook the world off its axis in the spring of 2020 and has changed virtually everything to do with the way we live life. This is obviously not news to you. However, what you might not have thought of is the fact that some things have remained the same amid the rubble of regular life... Sports!
Admittedly, sports have changed in some ways. After all, we are unable to attend sporting events the way we did before COVID. However, even with these changes, rooting for your favorite team while listening along has served to take our minds off the current state of the world. It has been the constant in the middle of chaos. Now, even people who aren’t that into sports are tuning in simply for the entertainment and normalcy it provides. Consequently, this is an ideal time for you to advertise using sports.
Here's what you need to know about advertising with sports during the pandemic.
People Are Active Fans
Many people are listening to sports, perhaps even more than before the pandemic. Fans are simply hungry for content and eager for entertainment. Therefore, it’s important to advertise during games to ensure you keep your brand in front of potential customers. Sports present a remarkable opportunity to interest new customers while reinvigorating loyal ones.
Americans Love Sports
There is a great attachment to sports, especially baseball, within American history. It’s who we are. Now, this traditional attachment to sports moves from not only something we enjoy but something we need. This attachment leads to a building excitement, looking forward to each upcoming season. Then, when the season begins, there are all sorts of opportunities to excite viewers.
Just think of the thrill that is felt when a favorite player hits a walk-off home run! Are you ready to get your company out there and utilize this excitement and attachment to sports in America? After all, there is nothing better than turning on the radio, drinking a beer and cheering on the Cardinals. Why not use this opportunity to address all the listeners who might be tuning in to listen to a baseball game?
Players Are Ready to Play
During this pandemic, players themselves have made immense sacrifices to play their sport. They have lived in “bubbles” staying away from friends and family members. They have also endured regular COVID testing and contact tracing. Consequently, now more than ever, they are willing and excited to play. They want to get out there and do what they love. It stands to reason that with this newfound investment in their playing ability, they are committed to working hard for their fans, eager to give them a winning season and a sense of normalcy.
Let's Go Cardinals!!
Ballfields, basketball courts, hockey arenas and football stadiums house the hopes of our nation. Sports give fans of all ages a reason to once again find joy amid sorrow - a reason to jump up and down, cheer, get behind a cause and feel as if we are winning right along with our favorite team. When they round the bases after sending the winning hit over the outfielder’s head into the bleachers, we are right there with our favorite player as their team rejoices. This distraction from the sadness in the world is much needed in today’s times. Therefore, it is a wise advertising professional who recognizes the opportunity to reach potential customers as they listen to their favorite team.
So join us this season! Don your red fan gear, put the Cardinals game schedule in your calendar, and let's have a winning season!!