How to Personalize Your Facebook Feed by Updating Your Interests

50 minutes.

That’s how long the average user spends on Facebook per day. Broken down, that means that people devote around one-sixteenth of their waking hours to this social media giant (The New York Times, 2016).

Posts on Facebook range from slapstick humor to serious breaking news to the latest trending topics, memes, and videos.  With such a broad range of subjects available in a person’s newsfeed, the types of posts that people find interesting and applicable can tend to get lost in the shuffle.

What if you miss vital, political breaking news? Or a sports update slips through the cracks? Or your favorite business blog posts a helpful, new tip that you don’t see?


As a busy business owner, your time is money. You can’t afford to occupy 50 minutes of your day looking through irrelevant content online. It’s imperative that your time is well spent, even when browsing Facebook.

Thanks to recent changes in Facebook algorithms, you can now rest assured that relevant posts will come across your newsfeed every time you log on. In order for this to occur, each user must update their interests. This is a simple process that takes minimal time and effort, yet will help custom tailor your Facebook feed to your needs.

Here’s how to personalize your feed:

  1. On your Facebook profile, select “More” from the top toolbar beneath your cover photo.
  2. Choose “Likes” from the dropdown menu.
  3. On this page, you can update your Facebook interests by:

- Removing current likes

- Following, or unfollowing, current likes

- Clicking “Add Likes” (using the search bar in the top right corner) to add new interests.

Making these simple changes produces immediate benefits. You will quickly discover a more personalized newsfeed and find relevant information with ease. Get started today!  Log in and update your facebook interests now.

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