Pandemic Positivity Pledge


We are all in need of a little push of pandemic positivity. In the last 8-10 weeks, quarantine has brought out the best...and the each of us. We bounce back and forth from “I can do this!” to “Why me?” in a matter of minutes. As we start to poke our heads outside and cautiously step back into the marketplace, what mindset will we embrace? You can’t go back and change what’s can only move forward. Our hope is that this pandemic positivity pledge will be your start to positioning yourself to power forward.


  1. I will bring helpful ideas to the table for my customers, even if it doesn’t result in a sale. 
  2. I will be a leader in helping my peers navigate what’s next, looking for new opportunities. 
  3. I will consciously evaluate and find the lessons learned about my current situation. Even negative experiences provide powerful life lessons that will strengthen me for the next season. 
  4. I will take the things I am learning and use them to strengthen my relationships, even after things return to our “new normal.” 
  5. I will express gratitude for each business transaction, no matter how small. I will wake up and be thankful for each new day and the opportunities therein. 
  6. I will learn to proactively talk to myself instead of passively listening to that negative inner voice. I remind myself that I CAN and WILL push through, and I celebrate every success.
  7. I will reframe my language, replacing the words ‘have to’ with ‘get to.’ Each day is a gift that not everyone is fortunate enough to have. My language will create the environment around me that I choose to embrace, and I believe the best is before me.
  8. I will be resilient. I am stronger than I think I am. I may at times be fearful, but I refuse to be broken.
  9. I realize that each day, I am writing my own story. Is it one that others would want to read and be inspired by?
  10. I will surround myself with like-minded people and realize that I am not an island. My success depends, in large part, on who I choose to journey with. I choose wisely. 

Feel free to steal this. Modify it for yourself, your family, your business, your employees...your world. Post it above your desk, in your car and on your bathroom mirror. The future is what you make of it. Remember to focus on what you can control. Each day, make the conscious choice to be the best you can be - your community is depending on you. 

Here's the link to download your copy of the Pandemic Positivity Pledge






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