Myths and Facts About Radio and Younger Demographics

Myths and Facts About RadioThe younger demographics — teens and Millennials — are digitally savvy, mobile, and the biggest contributors to changing consumer trends, specifically radio listening behavior. With so many digital and online choices, do Millennials listen to the radio? More than you may think! Because of digital and online technological advances, the younger demographic is one of the largest consumers of radio — traditional and digital. The myth that teens and Millennials don’t listen to radio needs to be dispelled. The following three myths and facts about radio and younger demographics will demonstrate how teens and Millennials engage with radio and what it means for your business.

Myths and Facts About Radio

Myth: Radio Has Lost Its Reach

Fact: Contrary to popular belief, among advertisers and agencies, is that radio’s weekly reach is only 64%, the reality is that 93% of Americans are reached by AM/FM radio. Nielsen, Edison Research, and Advertiser Perceptions revealed that AM/FM radio’s audience is nine times larger than Pandora and 17 times larger than Spotify. 243 million Americans (aged 12 or older) listen to radio each week. Nielsen reports that 91.3% of Millennials, 94% of Generation X, and 93.5% of Baby Boomers are reached weekly by radio.

Myth: Younger Demographics Don’t Listen to Radio

Fact: Younger demographics spend the most time listening to radio each week. Of the 243 million Americans who listen to radio each week, Millennials represent 66.6 million listeners, compared to Generation X and Baby Boomers which represent 57.9 million listeners each. Specifically, Millennials spend almost 11.5 hours with radio each week. In the study conducted by Nielsen, Edison Research, and Advertiser Perceptions, 93% of Millennials (18-34) are reached weekly by radio versus 76% that are reached by TV. Most radio stations now offer an app that can be downloaded to a mobile device or simply live streamed from a computer. Radio, like the younger generations, is more mobile than ever before and isn’t restricted to car or in-home use. In fact, younger generations report that 73% of radio listening occurs outside the home. Millennials are mobile, with 85% reporting they own a smartphone; 64% use their smartphone to listen to music. Radio apps, such as Tune-In, provide live content anywhere the listener is. Content such as sports, music, news, and talk are available via streaming on smartphones, tablets, TVs, and connected devices.

Myth: Millennials Don't Listen to the Radio in the Car

Fact: 81% of adults aged 18 and up, reported that AM/FM radio was their top medium for listening in the car; online listening in the car came in at 21%. According to Nielsen, the afternoon drive (Monday-Friday 3pm-7pm) is the most listened-to time of day for Millennials. Advertisers and brands have a unique opportunity to reach this large consumer group while they are in the car. With a hands-free law in most states, drivers are free to tune-in to your message, whether through a traditional AM/FM radio dial or a connected car.

Radio’s reach is large, especially with younger demographics. Whether through online or traditional broadcast radio, these influential generations are waiting to hear your radio advertising message. With the increase in mobile device use and the availability of radio anywhere — and anytime — business owners need to think about how to reach this consumer group by offering custom content that is useful and entertaining. Choose the best platform for your brand, one that will be a direct route to Millennials and younger teens. They are already tuned-in — ready and listening — waiting to be engaged.  


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