Marketing The Manly Way with the 2021 Como Man Show

Marketing The Manly Way with the 2022 Como Man Show

Marketing The Manly Way with the 2021 Como Man Show

This blog has been updated since its original publish date of July 6, 2021.

When we talk about gender, feminism has been taking the stage recently. This is great, don’t get us wrong, but we can’t talk about the feminine without also acknowledging the masculine. “Manliness” has often been a silent observer when it comes to marketing, when it in fact should be an active participant in the conversation!

Many major brands and businesses have been taking advantage of this large market by targeting their marketing and advertising efforts directly towards the male population with content and messaging that they know will uniquely appeal to this demographic. If you are hoping to make more of an impact with your male target audience, marketing the “manly way” could be a sure-fire way to effectively reach them.

First, Think Like A Man

Now, this is not to say that all men are exactly the same, but men tend to have a unique mental process when it comes to them making a buying decision. While women tend to be influenced by emotions and tactile experiences when it comes to forming a decision, males need fewer details, fewer steps, a direct message, and almost always need a clear description and functionality guide for the product or service. Men also tend to operate on a “must-have” basis. This means they are ready to pay a solid amount fairly quickly if the item is truly desired. Women, on the other hand, are typically more of the “deal seekers”, who look for practicality and a great bargain.

What is Manly Marketing?

Now that we know more of how to think like a man, we can now ask the question, “What exactly is ‘Manly Marketing?’”. This is a great question! We will give an example. Old Spice has been doing this for years with their messaging. Their commercials talk about how Old Spice makes you manlier, so you can be more attractive and win over your woman. Its message has been taken to such an extreme that it becomes humorous. Now, this is just one example, but you catch our drift. If your target audience includes or is predominantly male, why not take advantage of that market by making your advertisements and branding unapologetically manly?

How The 2022 Como Man Show Can Help

Manly marketing does not simply mean reframing the messaging and visuals of your advertising to be more male-friendly. It also means getting your advertising in front of the right audience. That is where The 2022 Como Man Show can help. This one-day event on March 19, 2022, is a perfect opportunity to directly reach male consumers right here in mid-Missouri. As one of the premier in-person events of 2022, men from all over will be flocking to get out of the house, have some fun, and see what local businesses have to offer! And this is exactly the environment that The Como Man Show provides.

You won’t want to miss out on this opportunity to help your business stand out amongst the crowd! Visit The Como Man Show website today for more information.

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