The recruitment sector is at war right now and businesses are battling for the best candidates out there. Your recruitment strategy is your weapon against other businesses, so would you rather go to battle with a butter knife or a machete? We are your backup on the frontlines to make sure you are equipped with the best ammunition when it comes to aiming for a recruitment strategy worthy of a medal of honor.
Target the Veterans and not the Boot Camp Trainees
One way to ensure that you are getting highly qualified candidates for the job is by using recruitment tactics that aren’t reaching the straggler trainees, but the experienced veterans. Radio is an option that is different from the other advertising options because people who are listening to the radio tend to be educated and currently working. They could be listening to the radio while at work or when driving to/from work. 73% of job candidates are passive job seekers, and by listening to the radio they can experience a calling for another job that they may not have considered before exposure to the position.
When it comes to advertising open job opportunities, you shouldn’t ration your budget or campaign time. ⅓ of the recruitment budget should go towards advertising. The longer the campaign, the more likely you are to dominate the minds of potential recruits when the job hunt comes to mind. Instead of budgeting for a 1-week campaign, to get the best results, we suggest running an 8-week campaign. You may be wondering though what tactics you should highlight, and we suggest showing what your potential employees will get out of applying to your company.
Appreciate the Troops 
Your company's non-traditional employee benefits act as differentiation between your army versus other businesses and are another major part of your recruitment budget. Recruits commonly look at the benefits, commute, and salary when determining what jobs to apply for. You must infiltrate your industry by showing potential employees the unique ways in which you provide them with security and support. Some benefits that you may choose to highlight or add may include:
- Health plans
- Life insurance plans
- Paid vacations
- Health and wellness programs
- Flexible work hours
- Office parties
- Restaurant vouchers
- Discounts on travel
The list is endless and will lure in better candidates to your business, but you need to determine what people who work at your company want when it comes to employee benefits.
Commander Social Media, at Your Service
Your potential recruits are checking social media accounts to evaluate employers and see how strong their presence is on social media. They are on the lookout to see if your business is a reputable one. Things to include in your social media artillery (your posts) include updates on the hiring process so people aren’t ambushed when they figure out that a position they thought they had a chance at getting was already filled, your company’s strengths and culture, and any posts that relate to your brand personality. Time to stand guard at your post (or for your posts).
We Always did like a Man in Uniform…
A uniform is a form of branding and branding your company is what is going to make your company become a major contender among others. Organizations that invest in employer branding are 3x more likely to make a quality hire. People are less likely to apply if they don’t know the company that is hiring.
Wave your white flag and surrender to our orders. Move forward with the mission by using these tactics to bring peace to your company and to lock and load quality hires. Learn more about how Zimmer Communications can serve as your ally in your recruitment process by contacting us.