Event Sponsorship Success Stories: The 2017 CoMo Man Show


The first annual CoMo Man Show was an undeniably testosterone-filled time, complete with a hot wing eating contest, a beard contest, live entertainment, a hunting-themed escape room, a belching contest, a fishing trip giveaway (to the Bahamas, might we add), displays of campers, boats, and motorcycles, an inflatable Wipeout Eliminator, the opportunity to smash a car, and dozens of booths showcasing all things manly.

Take a quick look at our recap video to get an inside glimpse for yourself:



1,500 Mid-Missourians knew that missing out was simply not an option, so on Saturday, April 29, they eagerly made their way to Columbia’s Holiday Inn Expo Center in hopes of satisfying their desires to be a part of something manly. Based on widespread reviews, these expectations were met.

The promise of this event’s popularity attracted a variety of businesses who were interested in becoming event sponsors. These businesses knew the advantages that event sponsorships bring: They put businesses in the spotlight, generate new leads, show community involvement, and give business owners and employees the chance to interact one-on-one with their target market. Along with this list, there are many other marketing benefits to event sponsorships that you can read about here

But don’t just take it from us! Let’s see what a few of these event sponsors have to say after being closely involved with The 2017 CoMo Man Show:


CoMo Growlers & Pints, a craft beer filling station and tasting room, has yet to open their doors in Columbia. The 2017 CoMo Man Show was the perfect opportunity for this business to showcase themselves to the area before their grand opening. Many attendees learned of this upcoming craft beer business for the first time while attending this event.

Owner, Aaron Banks, was satisfied with the overall results, stating that over 100 potential customers were added to his mailing list during the show. This means that he obtained at least 100 new prospects before his business’ doors will even open to the public! These leads can now be added into the business’ email database, keeping them up-to-date and in the loop for any upcoming promotional items. Because the target market of The 2017 CoMo Man Show perfectly fit CoMo Growlers & Pints’ ideal target market, these leads can automatically be identified as hot leads, or highly qualified potential prospects. Obtaining voluntary contact information in a personal setting is an extremely valuable marketing benefit that is unique to event sponsorships. 

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In contrast to CoMo Growlers & Pints, Schmidt Billiards is not a newcomer to the Columbia area. While event sponsorships are certainly a proven way to introduce a new business to the community, they are also great for “reminding” the community of an already existing business that may have temporarily escaped people’s minds.

Schmidt Billiards’ accountant, Linda Cheatham, echoes this sentiment by stating, “We were able to create awareness for all of the people who used to know us in [a previous location], but who had no idea we still existed.” This invaluable benefit of event sponsorships helped to reestablish this business’ standing in the community and improve its image in the public’s mind. Schmidt Billiards was able to connect with a large number of attendees and consequently, discovered multiple contacts who are likely to become future customers.

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Hog Haven BBQ is another example of a business in its beginning stages. After opening in Centralia about six months ago, business owner, Scott McManama, was searching for an effective promotional opportunity. The 2017 CoMo Man Show did not disappoint in securing this publicity.

Scott states that participating in this event sponsorship created a lot of exposure for his new business. His presence at this event was definitely felt as hundreds made their way to sample Hog Haven BBQ for themselves. Attendees also had the option of purchasing BBQ sauce, giving the business yet another chance to showcase their products, creating instantaneous fans. Reflecting back on The 2017 CoMo Man Show, Scott states that this event provided his business with the opportunity to formally introduce themselves to hundreds of people in the community who “didn’t know [they] existed.” This business’ experience proves that event sponsorships are an efficient way for businesses to make a lasting impact on consumers’ lives.

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Royal Power Sports had a creative way of attracting attention and increasing brand awareness at The 2017 CoMo Man Show. This business created the custom motorcycle that you see below and offered the opportunity to win this bike by selling raffle tickets and drawing a winner. These raffle tickets were sold in sets, with one set having five individual tickets. After counting up the total number of entries, 90 sets of raffle tickets were sold, coming to an impressive $1,800 in immediate revenue for the business.

Not only were they able to earn instant dollars from the show itself, but Royal Power Sports was also able to book five new jobs as a direct result of being an event sponsor. Four of these jobs were service-related and the fifth job booked was the opportunity to create a custom bike for a new customer. Royal Power Sports was able to more than double the investment that they made to be a part of the show. This success story definitely proves that event sponsorships are well worth the investment.

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Lee’s Chicken had a distinct way of featuring their business at The 2017 CoMo Man Show. This business sponsored a specific competition, the two “Wing Eating Contests.” The hype surrounding these contests was created, then built upon, long before the show started.

Promotional mentions on the radio, as well as digital advertisements featuring the business’ logo (as shown below), perfectly paired with the business’ exposure at the event itself. Lee’s Chicken was able to market themselves before, during, and after these exciting contests. People eagerly signed up at the show in order to participate, further fueling the anticipation and buzz surrounding this event. Not only was Lee’s Chicken able to be a part of these numerous conversations, but they were also able to associate their business with something fun that left a lasting, positive impression.

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These success stories from The 2017 CoMo Man Show help to explain why event sponsorships are becoming increasingly popular with businesses everywhere. They expose businesses to their target market, generate hot leads, demonstrate community involvement, fuel brand recognition, introduce people to (or remind people of) a certain business, heighten company visibility, are able to pair perfectly with other forms of digital and traditional media, such as radio advertising, and so much more. If your business would like to sponsor an event in the future, contact Zimmer Radio & Marketing Group to find the perfect sponsorship opportunity for you to attach your company’s name to. You won’t regret it!


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